Day 11 by Tanvi and Aiden

 Day 11 (4/6) -- by Tanvi and Aiden 

This morning started with a sleep-in, although most of us didn’t sleep in. Some students went back to Triangle cut to snorkel and some went birding with Mr. de Grys. After breakfast we grudgingly said our goodbyes to Mr. de Grys, proceeding to our beach clean-up soon thereafter. Earlier this week, we had gone to Kemps Creek and seen juvenile lemon sharks, and now we were returning to pick up trash on the beach. For over two hours, we picked up 1000+ pieces of plastic and other trash. Unfortunately, the site where we had enjoyed lunch earlier this week had been a dumping ground where we found many aluminum and glass bottles. Later, after lunch, we went to the store and were finally able to wear the swag we’ve been seeing modeled by the local students all week!

This afternoon we came together to synthesize our two week experience. Filling up four full whiteboards, we compiled things we've seen, learned, and done, pondering what tangible and intangible things we’d like to take back to our lives back home.

Our reflections question included: What has been your favorite moment in nature that you don’t want to forget? Describe it! Why was it your favorite?

What was something you overcame over the past two weeks? Why?

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself this trip? Or about leadership in general?

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself as a team player this trip?

Have you learned anything about who your best self this trip?

Specifically, we reflected on lessons from our trip that we hoped to bring back to our lives in Seattle. Many students echoed that they appreciated being present in the moment through our experiences on the island. We also brainstormed ways that we could bring the culture of sustainability back to Lakeside through educating our peers and making sustainable choices more feasible.

After our introspective journey with each other, we dressed our best and were off to dinner at a legendary local diner nearby called Sharyl’s. We feasted upon beans and rice, fried chicken, pork ribs, fries, Bahamian style mac and cheese, and fried fish. It was spectacularly delicious and by the time we were done, every plate was empty. We look forward to making the best of tomorrow, our last day on the island, boat snorkeling and having a bonfire. J


Beach cleaning 

Beach cleaning 


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