Day 9 by Gabby and Jack

 Day 9 (4/4) -- by Gabby and Jack 

We woke up this morning on the pink sand beach alongside the remnants of the US naval base. We went for a morning snorkel in search of the dolphins we had seen the afternoon before. While we didn’t spot Chip and her baby again, we spotted the animal from Tanvi’s field guide entry (a spiny lobster!) in an old pipe that had been a part of the wood pilings where navy submarines during the Cuban Missile Crisis once docked. After snorkeling, we packed up our tents and went to a sea glass beach in Governor’s Harbour. To finish off our search for sea glass, we ate doughnuts from a bakery alongside a historic library on the beach. We then packed into the vans and headed off to Leon Levy’s Native Plant Reserve. Our guide, Omar, led us through the reserve, pointing out different plants that are part of traditional Bahamian bush medicine.

After a two-hour drive along the Eleutheran coast, we arrived back at our home base to unpack and clean up from our camping trip (learning that pink sand gets EVERYWHERE). Eating a chili dinner back at the rooftop of the cafeteria overlooking the Exumas Sound was a relief after the long day we had had. We finished off the night with watching a National Geographic documentary about cave diving in blue holes (similar to the one we had swam in at Rock Sound).

Looking forward to a good night’s sleep,

Morning dive 

Early morning dip in the Atlantic 


Breaking down the camp

Car ride 

Snack time 

Visiting Leon Levy Nature Reserve 


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